For the past year plus a little I have been working for a small company that sells sinks, vanities, and vanity tops. I'd worked there before a few years ago and came back because I couldn't stay away from "family". Honestly, these guys are amazing and I love working with them.
However, as the economy has taken a down turn so has their business. It's gotten to a point where they can't keep me on. So, a week or so ago I was given two options. Option A: I could take my walking papers and start collecting unemployment while I looked for a new job or Option B: I could become a rep and start finding customers for our products. After some thinking over and discussing it with my fiance I decided to go for option b.
I chose option b for a few reasons, shall we discuss? I've known for a while that I needed to find something else, part them telling me, part me needing to stretch my wings. I wasn't sure a new job was such a good idea though as my wedding is this year which means a honeymoon, and it is the second bi-annual cape cod trip with my family, which I would hate to miss. I figured any new job I came across would laugh me out of the office if, during the interview, I asked for two weeks off this year alone. Also, let's not forget a certain thing called Hershey, it's only the biggest car flea market I've ever been to, and it's a week long, so yeah, after having to skip last year because I was waiting on the okay to sign for this wonderful condo I now call home, I had resigned myself to the fact that I was never going to be able to go again. You have no idea how big this was to me, this was something my father and I did yearly for the past two, or was it three years? Honestly, when my fiance reminded me that taking on this "new" job meant I could go to Hershey again this year I started crying, that's how huge this is. Hmmm, but back to why I took the job.
Prior to them asking me to take it I had known we were struggling so I had been doing some research and trying to drum up some business and you know what? I LOVED it, it was the first time in a long while that I was actually doing something I enjoyed. Not to mention the fact that when I got phone calls from potential customers inquiring about our product my heart did a little jump.
I NEVER in a million years thought I would see myself selling, I always saw it as somehow lying to people, forcing things upon them that they perhaps didn't want or didn't need, but somehow this seems different to me. I feel like by me selling people sinks I'll be helping them, weird huh? I guess I've just had it drummed in me so much that our prices are awesome that I figure I'll find customers that are paying more for their sinks and by buying from us, they will in turn start saving money which will help them, good huh?
And last but not least the biggest reason I wanted to take on this "new" job was because it meant I could work from home. I read quite a few blogs, to many if you ask my fiance, and so many of the women I read seem to work from home, most of them are being creative, and helping other people, desiging peoples houses, or re-doing old furniture to make it pretty to sell, and I envy them so much. The luxury to work at home, to make your own schedule, to not feel someone always breathing down your back. Whenever I take breaks at work I feel like I'm being bad, the company can't afford to pay me to goof off and I know that, but yet there are times when the phone won't ring for hours, I don't have any pressing issues to deal with and I just can't find anything to do to motivate myself, which scares me, but that's another post for another day. Some days I wish I smoked, the ability to take a 15 minute break and just say, oh I'm smoking, seems more normal than playing computer games, and the fact that one computer game generally turns into five.
I always have a really hard time waking up and I often feel bad because my fiance must usually drag me out of bed, lest we be late. After Monday morning that won't be an issue any longer. He can get up, shower, and leave all without having to worry if I am up and dressed. Does that mean he won't still worry? No, probably not. But at least this way I won't worry that I'm going to make him late, which, when you take the train to work can be a very bad thing indeed.
So, there you go, the reasons, more or less, for why I'm moving on, moving up I hope. Wish me luck, I'll need it.
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